Updating the RTM Module (Task Management System)

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This new version of the module can interact with the GARM module and the Online section.

Version 3 of the RMT module has the following new features:

  1. The ability to accept applications via email;
  2. An interface for tracking the planned and actual activity online on the map;
  3. The system for generating notifications in the PTM and the PILOT interface have beenamalgamated;
  4. Information about the statuses of applications is doubled in the PILOT interface;
  5. Driver registration support has been added in the Telegram bot @SkyElectronicsBot.

In the application management form the user can see the factual completion of tasks online and, more specifically, information about the planned route, the dotted line added to the map, and also the actual route. This is where the user sees the sequence in which and the time at which the dots were visited, for both the planned and actual route.

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A list of notifications is automatically created for each application. This list will remain relevantas long as the application is being processed. After it has been completed, the notifications will turn of automatically. For example, with a transportation order there will be notifications about the necessity to stick to the delivery time, the time for loading and shopping, and also the temperature profile. All information about necessary restrictions should be kept in the application form which is automatically sent via email. The system automatically creates the required triggers for notifications.

The system operator can watch the process of application completion in both the RTM interface and the PILOT interface.

When the order is carried out, each notification is shown in the GARM module, and can be processed by the operator. The system captures which operator processed which notificationand when. Processing is possible both with and without the Algorithm module being connected.

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